
28 August 2020 – ABC radio chat with Francis Owusu about strawberries

We discussed that they are really cheap and tasty now thanks to the Qld strawberry harvest – and I described a few things to do apart from just eat straight from the punnet.

·       Strawboffee pie  – heard of banoffee? This is basically the same but with strawberries.

·       Next is Summer Berry Pudding Cake does need cooking, but very straightforward. Basically simple sponge with 900g berries added.

·       Next, one of the combinations listeners might not have thought about is berries and citrus, both in flavour and timing – as the end of citrus season runs into beginning of berries.

·       This is at it’s best I think in jams and marmalades – strawberry and cumquat, rhubarb and cumquat, and strawberry and blood orange.

·       One of my absolute favourites is strawberry and blood orange marmalade with rosemary. Great for if you have a pile of strawberries that are perhaps past their best for eating plain.

22 November 2022 – Canberra Times Kitchen Garden Column with Susan Parsons